Giving Thanks

November 18, 2024

Giving Thanks

Leah Paley
CEO, Anne Arundel Food Bank


Last week, the Anne Arundel County Food Bank received a piece of hate email. The individual employed insults and name-calling aimed at our work, our staff, and the neighbors we serve. It was brief and vaguely threatening with no specifics, just hostility. Though it wasn’t signed, we quickly determined that this person was neither a recipient of our email communications nor a disillusioned past supporter. With no direct engagement, it was difficult to imagine what grievance he had with our organization. Clearly, he knew no specifics of our services or the myriad complex circumstances that can lead a household to food insecurity. He didn’t understand that the people we serve didn’t do something to deserve this fate – that they are children, seniors, working adults, veterans, the chronically disabled, unhoused individuals, recent arrivals, and long-time residents all trying to navigate their own unique challenges. He didn’t know the critical role the Food Bank plays in our community or the scope of our efforts. As I sat with this email and marveled at its hate, it was that scope of effort that I ultimately returned to.


AACFB first and foremost works to ensure access to nutritious food for our neighbors across the county, but we also do so much more. We are passionate advocates for systems-level change. We are information sharers and knowledge builders. We spread awareness, inspire empathy, and invite others to join us in this essential work. The Food Bank, and the mission it represents, has galvanized a broad coalition of informed community members each of whom is an agent for positive change. Though we will likely never alter the thinking of this angry individual or welcome him as a partner in our work, he will not hinder our progress or detract from our accomplishments. Our network is committed and strong and growing, and together we will continue to do the hard work necessary to ensure food security for all Anne Arundel County residents.


With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I am filled with gratitude to have been called upon to lead this charge and to have the privilege of working alongside the many talented, passionate, and caring people who comprise our broad coalition. I am thankful for the AACFB team that exemplifies commitment to our mission every day; for our board members who share their guidance and expertise with deep thought and good humor; for our Network Partners who care without question for all of the neighbors we serve; for our many volunteers be they individuals or groups who give selflessly of their time and talent; for our numerous supporters both large and small who choose to entrust their philanthropic resources to us; and for our elected officials who go to bat for the Food Bank and the people we serve time and time again without fail.


There may always be naysayers and haters, but the commitment within our community to progress, equity, and opportunity for all to live healthy productive lives is a powerful force that will not be easily deterred. For this and for all of you, I am truly thankful. Have a very happy Thanksgiving!